viernes, 28 de marzo de 2008


For their origin it is believed that the language of the Huns should have been of the trunk uralo-altaico, the group to which languages belong as the Turk or the Mongolian. The hypothesis of which their language was actually of the family irania, based on the inscriptions of coins found in tombs hunas proceeding from the current Afghanistan and some Soviet ex-republics has been rejected nowadays so there has been demonstrated that such coins only were repeating the same boss that the Persian ones of bordering zones. On the other hand, some Chinese sources relate them to Siberian peoples as the samoyedo, but this does not marry the information contributed by the archaeology either.

As for the religion there is not known almost anything of they, seemingly they had a type of " adoration to the horse (since these animals were an "almost "sacred" figure for them in they culture). The Roman sources are in the habit of referring to them as subhuman individuals lacking in any god's class and mulberry tree, without belief in another life apart from the earthly one, though it is known that they had shamans or wizards slightly similar in they tribe (that they believed in to existencia of abominations subterrabeas infernal), specialized in the prophecy from the examination of remains and bones of animals. Originally they were cremating their dead men, though hereinafter they began to bury them.

They are beings, beardless, muscular, wild, extraordinarily resistant to the cold, to the hunger and the thirst, disfigured by the rites of cranial deformation and of circumcision that they were practising, and ignoramuses of the fire, of the kitchen and of the housing.


Excellent riders archers, fast and determined, of unpredictable tactics, extended the fear for the Empire. They were nomadic and were living in temporary huts, though they knew the property of the land and were in the habit of happening for concrete zones that were in their power. As their nomadic condition, the cow and the hunt they had a more important role in their economy that the agriculture. The lacks in their diet were satisfied by means of the trade and much more followedform, the plunder in foreign territory. The weapon that they were using in the war was the straight sword, the lance; the bow, which was a kind of rope with which they were lassoing their enemies and they they were thundering the neck, and the compound arch, which they were in the habit of using from the horse. To this they was contributing the use of the stirrup, which they took of the Chinese and which they introduced later in Persia and Europe.


The greatness of a Hun measures up for the sacrifices that wants to realize for the good of the nation.

The Huns must learn from the beginning that to work with determination is an experience that influences them every day of their life.

The Huns who achieve the success learn to fight against the adversity and to overcome their mistakes.

A Hun can achieve any thing for which their wants to pay the price. The competition diminishes in the levels mas high.

The big mistakes are inevitable when it is allowed that the slightly qualified Huns should take decisions and establish judgment.

The rapid decisions are not always the best decisions. On the other hand, the slow decisions are not always the best decisions.

The Huns who are successful normally achieve for what their captain expects from them An intelligent captain always assigns difficult missions to the Huns who are capable of realizing them.

The abdication is not a delegation, but a sign of weakness. The delegation is a sign of force.

Gives more prestige to be a Hun successfully that a failed captain.

Last information has many uses in the bussiness context because all bases of the strategic managment are in the strategic military and in the form of planing wars for this reason is considered important information that have relation between The Huns and bussiness administration. Is so easy find all strategics of the Huns but in this blog only has someones.

jueves, 27 de marzo de 2008


You can found some video that show of way mas practical and didactic the process of formation(training) and evolution of this civilization, also the form since they were making their weapon and were planning their assaults. (1) (2) (3)


The supposed descendants of Attila, the legendary king of the Huns who terrified Central Europe in the 5th century of our age, claim their recognition as ethnic minority in Hungary, the only country of the Europe where there is honored the been afraid barbarian, whose name they show proudly numerous magiares.
The Parliament of Budapest will have to decide soon on the existence of the Huns about the 21st century and the recognition about these as ethnic minority, before the formal request presented by Imre Josua Novak, priest and emissary of the so called Holy Church Huna.

" After the revenue of Hungary in the European Union we have decided to obtain our recognition as minority ", affirms Novak in declarations that there gathers the press of Budapest of today, in that they remembers that the EU protects the minority etnias in all their territory. The priest Hun has managed to assemble 2.400 signatures to support their initiative before the Parliament magiar and to achieve that is recognized the existence of the descendants of Attila, " to what we have right, since we cultivate a culture with 6.000 years of antiquity, the tradition of the Huns ".