miércoles, 30 de abril de 2008

Cause and effect essay

Nowadays is very common to find closefamilies where some decision is very important to possess the participación of the members of this one for capture.

Nevertheless, does many years when the former civilization of the this hunos his maximum brilliance the families was the patriarchy one where the men tenian the power and he was those who were arranging everything and were taking charge of everything it relating with strong works all this has consequences that women were being left behind, taking into account only for cooking and reproduce.
Now all this has changed dramatically, families are now engaged societies that wants all its members are exceeded both personally and socially, all this supported at the base of tolerance, respect and equality. Women no longer serve only for having babies now, bring on the economic home and has the power of decision, all of this, taking into account state laws that now help more female development.

In coclusion, each day is more important consider the opinios of all members the family, because the basis of trends that have suffered different ancient civilizations that within the family, therefore we can see that the facts that occur within a home affect the way you see your munod and confront situations.

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